Monday, 25 January 2016



Here are 6 References I found related to my topic, Mobility. 

Books : Harrington,C. Lee, and Denise D. Bielby, and Anthony R. Bardo, ed. Aging, media, and cultureLanham,MD: Lexington Books, 2014.
Parkinson, C. Northcote, and Rustomji, M.K., and Vieira, Walter E. Retirement: Plan now for your best years. Singapore : Federal Publications, 1986.

Newspaper :
 Lim, Yan Liang. ‘New app for checking seniors’ eligibility for govt subsidies’.The Sunday Times. 8 Nov. 2015. A16

Tai, Janice. ‘First ‘retirement village’ opens next month’. The Sunday Times.8 Nov. 2015. A3

Internet :

Kaplan, Daniel B. and Berkman, Barbara.The Elderly Living Alone. Created July 2013. Accessed 24 January 2016<>

Rantakokko, Merja and  Mänty, Minna. Mobility Decline in Old Age. Created 2013. Accessed 24 January 2016 <>

Monday, 18 January 2016

Video of Social Mobility

Social Mobility of ElderlyThis short video tells a story of an elderly, she is having a social mobility criciss. Here's a short scene of her life.

First Proposal


Mobility is important for community independence. With increasing age, lower 

physical ability and health condition, increase the risk for mobility decline. We observed that

physical and social mobility are the problems that mostly older people face. While physical is

related to the ability to move from place to place, social mobility holds a role as a movement

of individuals, family, household between social strata in the society. We are focusing on the

social mobility problems among the elderly and what we are trying to solve and achieve.

In Singapore, 8.2% of the older people in the residence living alone (Department of 

Statistic Singapore 2010).  Elderly who is living alone mostly having many challenges. Their

family members might had passed away or their children don’t give enough attention to them.

Moreover, they might have no friends to communicate with. Research proved that older

people that has lack of communication between one and another tend to have health

problem then others who has a sharing community. However, it’s important to prevent a

condition of being social isolated in the community.

Our group empathizing ourselves as an 71 years old woman that lives alone in a HDB 

flat. Her only son lives in the States, and she has widowed since 5 years ago. She used to be a

housewife and relied all financial matters to her husband. She has no specific activities or

hobbies to fill in her routines. Lack of  having conversation with others makes her has a poor

social mobility. Sense of loneliness and desperate reflected on her eyes.    

With our understanding of the persona’s problem, we realized that social interaction is 

very important. Having a place for sharing, to communicate with others and being accepted in

the society are all they need. Therefore, we would like to find ways to engaging them in some

activities in the community to make them staying connected with others. The activities

offered may help the elderly solve their problems in social mobility, such as the usage of the

gadgets and the applications related to them.

First Mind mapping

Mind mapping on Mobility 

On week 2 , our group created a mindmapping on our topic, Mobility. We divide mobility in two type, physical and social. We did a mistake in this mind map, the transportation for short distance and long distance are twisted. For the short distance, it must be cane, scooter, or wheel chair. 

From this mindmap, we decided to focusing on the social mobility issue. I'll do more research and the problem solving related to the topic in the next post.  

Persona and Video Script


Name :  Wang Shu Fen

Age : 72

Gender : Female

Occupation : Used to be a house wife (Unemployed)

Family condition : financially stable 

Family member : 1 son

Adress : Johor Bahru


1st Scene : 
Grandma Wang just came back home from buying groceries, then she walks to the kitchen to cook food and eat.

2nd Scene :
After eating, grandma Wang decided to read her favourite book at the balcony, feeling lonely she decided to call her son.

3rd Scene : 
She walks her way to her room to take her phone that her son just bought for her recently

4th Scene : 
Grandma Wang tried to call her son, she tried to use her phone and pressed anything that she thought will works

5th Scene : 
She accidentally pressed something wrong that made her phone played a loud song and she had a shock

Thursday, 14 January 2016

10 Key Points How to become a Good Presenter

1. Topic Research It’s important to spend enough time collecting and confirming information in order to speak with confidence and knowledge.

2. Organize. Organize the main points in the most appropriate order for the topic you’re presenting. Avoid writing complete sentences or paragraphs and prepare note cards to help you elaborate on the information presented.

3. Practice. Do not memorize written texts. Try to understand the topic to the best of your ability so you can communicate it well during the presentation and meet the time limit. Practice for a friend get their feedback on your presentation skills.

4. Analyze your audience and ask yourself, “What is their point of view on this subject?” This will help you develop a presentation that focuses on what is in it for them. Always develop content with your audience’s interests in mind.

5. Mental Preparation. In the days leading up to your presentation, visualize yourself making a successful presentation. In your mind’s eye, see your attentive audience nodding their heads in agreement with your points and their clapping enthusiastically in appreciation of your presentation. Feel good about yourself.

6. Speak clearly. Speak in a loud and clear voice to get your presentation through to the audience even the ones sitting further away.
7. Refer to your notes only when absolutely necessary. Remember, even if you don’t use the exact sentence you had planned, or have forgotten part of your presentation, your audience should not know! If you have forgotten something, don’t panic.

8. Warm up the audience with a  SMILE. Stand upright, at your full height, to give yourself the psychological advantage of height. 

9. Relax and use humour where appropriate. Conclude by reiterating your important points. Thank your audience for their attention.

10. Keep eye contact. Do scanning the room technique by keeping an eye contact with as many people as you can.

Reference :